مسجات باللغة الإنجليزية
- تاريخ النشر: الثلاثاء، 26 نوفمبر 2024

هل تبحث عن مقولات باللغة الإنجليزية لتشارك بها أصدقائك عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، إليكم مجموعة كبيرة من المسجات باللغة الإنجليزية بالمقال أدناه فتابعنا.
مسجات باللغة الإنجليزية
- Do not think that happiness like rain will come down to you from heaven, but happiness like a plant must be planted with your hands until you harvest its fruit.
- Life puts you on probation first and then teaches you the lesson.
- Live your life with contentment and satisfaction and you will be the happiest person.
- Every person has a sun within him, it must shine in the crises.
- Happiness on women’s face is better than all cosmetics.
- Do not regret at all because remorse does not change anything from reality.
- Do not make your happiness dependent on a particular event, but train yourself to live happy with everything.
- People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
- Take my eyes but let me see you, Take my mind but let me think about you, Take my hands but let me touch you, But if you want to take my heart, its .already yours
- Happiness is the goal and purpose of every human being.
- If you have enough courage, know that you will find happiness.
- you can buy gifts but not love, you can pretend smile but not happiness.
- The saying “it’s too late” is not in the dictionary of happy people.
عبارات باللغة الإنجليزية
- Always remember that after every winter the spring will come.
- If you are happy you will make those around you feel happy.
- The optimist is the one who sees happiness in every ordeal.
- Try to find happiness in every moment of your life.
- Make happy memories always until you live happy forever.
- No matter how long the darkness is, the sun will shine.
- Don’t be afraid to start over. It’s a brand new opportunity to rebuild what you .truly want
- Happiness like destiny comes to you without looking for it, your task is not to overdo it.
- Your happiness is only yours, and not theirs.
- How are you supposed to grasp the future when you are still clinging on the .past
- Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.
- I always thank God for what He has given you, only then will you know a new meaning of happiness.
- Do not regret what has gone, so crying does not return the dead, but it is restored by beautiful praise and prayer.
- DON’T let the past hold you back , you’re missing the good stuff.
- When life gets harder, challenge yourself to be stronger.
- Challenges are what make life interesting, overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.
- Without dreams, we reach nothing. Without love, we feel nothing. And without Allah, we are nothing.
- For others love is blind, but for me it isn’t true, because when I fell in love I saw you.
- If I told you I couldn’t live without you, would you know I’m trying to tell you that I love you.
مقولات باللغة الإنجليزية
- If I was granted just one wish, I would ask for a longer life. The number of years I am destined to live on this planet may not be enough for me to tell you how much I love you.
- Falling in love with you gave me a cause to fight for and a reason to live for. I love you.
- You are the reason I wake up with a smile.
- I don’t want to close my eyes cuz I don’t want to miss seeing you.
- The sincere friendship is recognized because that special person spend pleasant moments and is by your side when you most require. You barely know me and you extend me your hand to help me for that reason I consider you a good friend.
- If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Only then would you realize how special you are to me.
- I may not know you very well but one thing I know is that you are a friend who can be trusted. Thanks for coming in my life. Hope our friendship stays forever.
- Sometimes, caring is better than loving. Sometimes, tea is better than coffee. Sometimes, smile is better than laughter, but nobody is better than you, finding time to text me.
- Every day we meet new people, but only the most important ones are in our lives. I feel happy because I have a new friend and we get along great.